Meeting Minutes
FLANO 5/9/2024 Start: 6:10 pm Full dock on the shore line that washed up. North of the swim beach. Jim P. reached out to Lancaster Docking and they couldn't do that. So he will reach out to another Marina in the area. August 10th end of summer cookout and smores Action: Provide food and smores for the Publix catering? Action: In need of volunteers to help pass out food Multi-Use trail: The multi-use trail, planned to be put in the park from the visitors center down to the swim beach. Will Washum met with us to discuss the steps needed to make this idea come to life. Break down of this process with projected timeline: Feasibility study: this is used to look at all options before you make an investment in the design.What to ask/ think of: About 9-12 months to complete the feasibility study Alignment: Near the road, offset from the road, or through the woods? Trail Surface: paved or gravel? Cost of doing it along the road v.s. cost to do it through the woods What is the plan for implementation Design + Bid +construction: Design could take 12-18 months depending on funding (could be up for federal funding making the time longer) Bid process 6 months Construction depends on how much you are building but at this point you have won! Will’s suggested pathway 1 mile loop around park lake Trail from VC that continues down the park and forks to the swim beach and family camp. About 4 miles total Image: Will’s suggested Multi-use Trail pathway. White= loop around park lake, Green= additional 3 miles down to swimbeach and family camp. Action Plan: Get started creating the feasibility study first. 9-12 months THEN Great Trail State Program Application period closes mid september for this round of grant funding to get an application together for this trail. Iredell county is a 50/50 match Minimum project size is $100,000 for a feasible study. Will thinks that this would be enough for this project So we have to come up with $50,000 dollars so that the state can match with $50,000 to meet that 100,000 minimum Do Not have to have the full $50,000 before completing the application. Organizations to reach out to help reach this $50,000 goal as funding partners. Carolina thread trails Town of troutman Iredell park and rec. Friends of State Parks Dates: LANO Yearly Events poster If we want to set up a table at any of these events we can! Some events that are not on the poster July 31st World Ranger Day Touch a truck August 10th End of summer cookout and smores September 14th Girl Scouts Love State Parks September 21st National Publics Land Day September 21st Educator trainings: Project WHAT and Project Food Land and People For formal and informal educators October 5th River Sweep October 5th Hosting the Junior Ranger Jamboree Up to 150 sworn junior rangers Greg has offered to lead a hike. Santa on the beach? Next Meeting: July 1st 6 pm Contacts Meeting adjourned at 7:20
Meeting started @ 6:00
Attendance: Julie Higgie, Vicki Taylor, Katie Wurtz Meeting Agenda:
Meeting Minutes:
Friends of Lake Norman State Park Meeting Minutes– August 30, 2022
Meeting Minutes: 1. Upcoming Events
e. ACTION ITEM: Schedule SUP Yoga in morning this Fall 2. REI Grant Follow-Up: a. Working with State Park to get Wayside display for climate change. i. Have not heard back will continue to push or create our own display
1. Family Camp old bathhouse for spring wildflower planting. a. Need: Timber to be purchased by FLANO ii. Fall Volunteer Dates:
a. FSP funding and FLANO funding available i. $6551.42 FLANO Funds b. FLANO for Sip it Forward Donation Opportunity at Hoptown Brewery i. ACTION ITEM: Apply 10/1/2022 4. Outreach a. Diversity to Parks i. ACTION ITEM: Reach out to diversity groups to schedule park events b. Schools in Parks Friends of Lake Norman State Park Meeting Minutes– August 30, 2022
6. Adjourn. Events Overview:
Meeting Agenda:
Meeting Minutes:
Events Overview:
The 2021 Annual Meeting for the Friends of Lake Norman State Park will be held on August 28 from 10:00 a.m. to noon at the Heron Picnic Shelter behind the Visitor's Center. The agenda will include a State of the Park report, officer and board elections and a short hike to preview new trails being constructed. Members are invited to suggest nominees for the board or officers. The winner of the Photo Contest will also be announced at the meeting. At the September 2020 annual meeting the following officers were elected for 2 year terms ending in 2022: President - Michael Polzin Vice President - Joy Shuck Treasurer - Katie Wurtz Debbie Page and Vicki Taylor were elected to serve on the board for 2 year terms ending in 2022. Board members whose terms expire in 2021 are: Sheila Riddell Jim Pogue Patrick Wurtz Kathie Kemp Jenni Wyatt Nominations: The Nominating Committee recommends the following members for election in 2021 with terms ending 2023: Sheila Riddell Jim Pogue Patrick Wurtz Kathie Kemp Jenni Wyatt The office of secretary is also open for nominations.. |
May 2024
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