Board of Directors Meeting
Friends of Lake Norman State park held at Visitor’s Center June 4, 2019 President Michael Polzin called the meeting to order at 6:10p.m. Those in attendance and constituting a quorum were: Present: Michael Polzin, Shannon Johnson, Patrick Wurtz, Jenni Wyatt, Vicki Taylor, Sheila Riddell, and ex-officio Greg Schnieder. Absent: Ashley Thompson, Katie Wurtz, Debbie Page, Kathie Kemp, James Pogue Visitors: None. Current Business: Minutes. Katie Wurtz is working with the main friends group on setting up a square to take payment and will provide an update in July. Vicki Taylor gave an update about the Invasive Species Grant Application. She has the application prepared and there are just a few things that need clarifying: GPS Coordinates for both locations Labor intensive work so the current staff labor can be used for the inkind match. Greg said that it will be approximately 450 hours at $15/hour. $7,000 for equipment such as chainsaws, etc. Photos of kudzu or privet are needed. Greg said he would provide those. Front Porch Fest - Debbie Page will give an update at the July meeting. Party in the Park – June 14th, volunteers are needed. Clean up and cook out is scheduled for June 22nd from 9-12. We will meet at the visitor center. Michael Polzin will cook and bring the food. Shannon Johnson and Michael will coordinate the food and cook out. Jenni, Vicki, and Patrick will volunteer. Greg said that the public can call the visitor center to sign up Vicki said she will bring salads. Fishing Line Project Installation is scheduled for June 29th from 9-12 along with the shoreline clean up. Volunteers will meet at the Visitor’s Center. Star Party is July 5th. The rain date is July 6th. Amy applied for a grant for the bounce house. Jenni will call Amy to get status. Volunteers are needed. Lake Norman Forest Run is a half marathon and 5k scheduled for July 15th at 7am. We probably won’t get enough interest from the public to have a table at this type of event. Most people come to race and that is their main focus. New Business: Greg Schneider discussed sponsoring an event, Smoke on the Water, with a conservancy and forestry group promoting the Firewise program. Homeowners and neighbors learn to prepare property for wild fire. The event would start at 10am and hopefully have a 10 acre burn . The event will be Saturday, November 2nd from 10-2 at the Cove Picnic Shelter. He would like FLANO to provide water, drinks and heavy snacks for presenters and participants. He estimates probably a couple hundred dollars of FLANO funds. The guest invited to share about Julia Clark did not attend the meeting. Greg Cain will attend the next meeting to further discuss the student education program. The next Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 9th, 2019 at 6:00pm. The August Board Meeting will be held on August 6th at 6:00pm. Meeting adjourned at 7:04.
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