Annual Meeting
Friends of Lake Norman State Park March 30, 2019 Lake Norman State Park Visitor’s Center President Michael Polzin called the meeting to order at 10:36 a.m. Board Members in attendance and constituting a quorum were: Present: Michael Polzin, Jeff Cooper, Jenni Wyatt, Katie Wurtz, Kathie Kemp, Shannon Johnson, Debbie Page, Vicki Taylor, Ashley Thompson & ex-Officio Advisor Greg Schneider Absent: Alison Hemingfield & James Pogue Members and non-members recorded their attendance & contact information on an attendance sheet. We had 17 FLANO members and 9 non-members in attendance. Welcome & Introduction to FLANO: President Michael Polzin State of the Park: Park Superintendent Greg Schneider presented a slide show which included the history of LKN State Park from the creation of Lake Norman through the various stages of name changes, park additions and current amenities. He also reported 2018 accomplishments and current projects planned or in process. LKN State Park Facts were presented:
Treasurer & Membership Report: Treasurer Katie Wurtz Membership: As of this meeting, FLANO had 49 members. Treasury Report: Membership Donations $1440, Donation Box Donations $ 913.15, Other/Metal Recycling Funds $359.28, Expenses $776.53. Outgoing Board Member Appreciation: President Michael Polzin extended the Board’s gratitude to outgoing Board members—Jeff Cooper, Alison Hemingfield and James Pogue. Each was presented with a card and FLANO T-Shirt as a token of our deep appreciation. Call for Nominations: After explaining the rotating Board members terms, President Polzin asked for nominations from the floor for Board Members. Those nominated for election to the Board were: Sheila Riddell, Jim Pogue, Patrick Wurtz, Kathie Kemp and Jenni Wyatt. All five candidates were elected by unanimous assent. Election of Vice-President & Secretary: President Michael Polzin MOTION by Kathie Kemp to elect Shannon Johnson as Vice-President. Seconded by Jeff Cooper. Shannon Johnson elected as Vice-President by unanimous assent. MOTION by Katie Wurtz to elect Ashely Thompson as Secretary. Seconded by Shannon Johnson. Ashley Thompson elected as Secretary by unanimous assent. Executive Board: President/Michael Polzin; Vice-President/Shannon Johnson; Secretary/Ashley Thompson; Treasurer/Katie Wurtz Board Members: Kathie Kemp, Debbie Page, Jim Pogue, Sheila Riddell, Vicki Taylor, Patrick Wurtz, Jenni Wyatt & Ex-Officio Advisor Greg Schneider Announcements: President Michael Polzin Those desiring to join FLANO can sign-up today or online on the website. FLANO T-Shirts available for $20 each. Next Board meeting is Tuesday, May 7, at 6:00 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m. Minutes submitted by Jenni Wyatt for President Polzin’s approval 3/30/19.
May 2024
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