Board of Directors Meeting
Friends of Lake Norman State Park August 14, 2018 Lake Norman State Park Visitor’s Center President Michael Polzin called the meeting to order at 6:16 p.m. Those in attendance and constituting a quorum were: Present: Michael Polzin, Katie Gradert, Jenni Wyatt, Shannon Johnson, Kathie Kemp, Debbie Page, Vicki Taylor & ex-Officio Advisor Greg Schneider Absent: Jeff Cooper, Alison Hemingfield, Jeff Pelchat, James Pogue Visitors: Sheila Riddell & Hilda Romano attended the 7:00-7:30 p.m. Bio-Blitz information meeting which was held during the Board meeting. President Michael Polzin gave an overview of FLANO’s purpose, goals and accomplishments to date. He also presented upcoming FLANO event opportunities. Park Superintendent, Greg Schneider, presented the details on Bio-Blitz. Board Members and visitors signed up to serve at the events. Current Business Committees: President Polzin gave an update on the committee announcement letter which should be ready to email soon. An announcement was placed on Next Door & submitted to Statesville News & Landmark promoting FLANO membership and directing volunteers for committees to sign up on the website. Ashley Thompson who attended our June Board meeting would like to serve on the Communications/Outreach Committee. REI Park Contributions & Tent Update: Joy Shuck emailed that she is working on getting an event tent for FLANO. REI will be onsite at NPLD on September 29 (Trail-building event). They will be giving away REI 2018 stewardship shirts and REI swags to all participants with some REI branded gear at their event tent. REI will also provide light refreshments for all participants. REI granted the Tarheel Trailblazers $10,000 for Itusi Trail improvements. Tar Heel Trailblazers raised another $6500. November 10 & 11th REI will have its stewardship campout at group camp. As part of this stewardship event, they will partner with Tarheel Trailblazers to do work on the Itusi Trail. They also hope to do a lakeshore clean up using park canoes & kayaks. Joy invited FLANO members to come & present FLANO information at the campout. It was suggested that FLANO do something for REI such as have a breakfast coffee & fruit or hot chocolate & SMORES by the campfire to mingle, meet and enlist support/membership for FLANO. ACTION ITEM: Decide what FLANO will do at the REI campout during our September Board meeting. Joy Shuck also requested more information on the FLANO Group Camp Project as she would like to present this to HQ if it would meet our timeframe for the project. ACTION ITEM: Jenni Wyatt emailed a copy of Joy Shuck’s email to all Board members. Katie Gradert & Shannon Johnson will send Joy Shuck the information she has requested on the Group Camp Project. FLANO Kit & Storage Items: Shannon Johnson has our kit with all other items needed for an event set-up in the conference room storage closet. Katie Gradert, Treasurer, will keep the money box off-site and bring it for events as requested. Wall of Honor Donors: A Wall of Honor Page will be added to the FLANO website to recognize corporate donors. ACTION ITEM: Debbie Page will create the Wall of Honor page. Corporate donors to date include: Statesville Free News, Kathie Kemp Designs, REI. Katie Gradert will contact Alison Hemingfield to ask if she would like her printing company to be listed as a sponsor. Maybe we could email each corporate sponsor (Statesville Free News & REI) thanking them for their support of FLANO and including a link to the Wall of Honor page. Liability Insurance: Vicki Taylor reported that she has heard nothing further from NCFSP. Treasurer Report: To date, Katie Gradert reported that we have 24 members and $1085 in collected funds. Katie plans to collect funds from the donation box monthly on the day of our scheduled Board meeting. T-Shirt Update: Recover T-Shirts unable to do the printing that was needed for our logo so exploring other possible printing companies. Shannon Johnson gave good input on her experience regarding t-shirt sizes and fabric. Action Item: Katie will contact Karen in the LKN State Park gift shop regarding the park’s sales of t-shirts. Kathie & Katie will get pricing for printing t-shirts. As soon as Katie has this information, she will email the Board for a purchasing decision. It would be great to have t-shirts to sell at our upcoming events. Back Country Cleanup Day: Saturday, August 25 9:00 a.m-12n: Participants will remove aluminum wire and trash from the woods. For additional details, see the FLANO website. ACTION ITEMS: Board Members, if you haven’t already, please email your availability for this event. Bio-Blitz: Saturday, September 8: Board members signed up to serve at the meeting. Shannon Johnson will coordinate the scheduling of the FLANO volunteers. Shannon Johnson & Debbie Page both plan to work the event from 6:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Volunteers are needed for 2 or 4 hour shifts to help cook & serve food to park staff and the scientists or man an educational booth. ACTION ITEM: All Board Members, if you haven’t already signed up, please email your availability to serve at this event. Jenni Wyatt posted the event on NextDoor, made an email announcement to all Wildlife Bay residents and emailed Hilda Romano of Windermere Island who said she would post it in their newsletter. Jenni also emailed Angela Hoover at Troutman Town Hall asking if she would include Bio-Blitz and Get Fit Iredell events in the Whistle Stop newsletter email which goes to Troutman residents. NPLD Trail Building Event: Saturday, September 29 9 a.m.-12n: Join Park Ranger staff to work on the Park Lake Trail. For additional details, see the FLANO website. ACTION ITEM: Board Members, if you haven’t already please email your availability for this event. Get Fit Event, Sunday, September 30: Volunteers needed to man the FLANO booth and lead .9 mile hikes every 30 minutes on the Alder trail. ACTION ITEM: Please email Debbie Page your availability to serve at the Get Fit Event in the park. Jenni posted this event on NextDoor. Website & Traffic Update: Debbie Page reported that both these sites have generated significant traffic. Historian Talk: Jenni Wyatt contacted O.C. Stonestreet, historian and author, who agreed to give a talk at the park. Greg Schneider suggested we host it in the Community Center as it can seat 110 guests. This will be a wonderful opportunity to promote FLANO membership. It was suggested that we serve popcorn and have a fire in the fireplace. Jenni will contact O.C. Stonestreet to see if he is available to speak on Tuesday, October 16th or Thursday, October 18th at 6:30 p.m. Future Board Meeting dates chosen were: October 9, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. November 6, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.—if this meeting is needed December 4, 2018 at 6:00 pm ACTION ITEM: At the December Board meeting, decide when the spring annual FLANO meeting will be held for election of Board members. Determine which officers/Board members will rotate off. Next Board meeting is 9/18/18 at 6:00 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Minutes submitted for approval by President Polzin and revision by the Board on 8/15/18.
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