Board of Directors Meeting
Friends of Lake Norman State Park June 4, 2018 Lake Norman State Park Visitor’s Center President Michael Polzin called the Board of Directors meeting to order at 6:18 PM. Those in attendance and constituting a quorum were: Present: Michael Polzin, Jeff Cooper, Katie Gradert, Debbie Page, Vicki Taylor & ex-Officio Advisor Greg Schneider, Sarah Pogue, Kathie Kemp, Will Washam Absent: Jenni Wyatt, Shannon Johnson, Alison Hemingfield, Jeff Pelchat & James Pogue Current Business Establish Committees: Jeff sent out email for proposal of committees. Already established by by-laws is the Executive Committee, which consists of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. We have a nominating committee established by bylaws. It was suggested that we wait and fill this committee once more members exist. Creation of a new Membership committee geared toward gaining and engaging members is crucial, recruiting and retaining equally important. The purpose of which is to recruit, maintain, and engage the Friends membership. The Membership committee’s will be responsible for the web page, newsletter, soliciting and responding to feedback, etc. Very communications focused. Rename committee Communications/Outreach less focused on managing membership, more focused on recruiting and maintaining members. Another new committee would be the Sponsorship committee, the purpose being to raise funds to support the activities of FLANO and the needs of the park. We would be getting money from the membership so this committee would focus more on corporate sponsors and the State Friends group for NC funds. A group focused on contacting the REI’s, Lowes, and local Troutman business. We need a way to engage volunteers, members, and sponsors. This is where the Events and Programs committee comes in. It will help with efficiency. Our members and our sponsors will want something to get them excited (or to promote at) and so this group would work with the Communications/Outreach and Sponsor committees to develop events/programs to support their objectives. Having committee will allow for the development of a degree of expertise, would be more efficient and utilizing (re-utilizing) materials across both groups so that we don’t duplicate. MOTION by Jeff Cooper: Friends of Lake Norman State Park will add three committees to the already established Executive and Nomination Committees. The committee additions will be Communications/Outreach, Sponsorship and Events/Programs. Seconded by Michael Polzin. Motion passed by unanimous assent. ACTION ITEM: Name interim chairman for each committee: Nomination, Communications/Outreach, Sponsorship and Events/Programs. Brochure: Kathie Kemp and Debbie Page finalized the FLANO brochure. Present members agreed that the wording on the brochure should be revised to remove the words “Additional Donation”. Clarification was made that the membership levels include the $10 annual membership fee. MOTION by Kathie Kemp FLANO brochure is approved for print after revision to membership levels removing “additional donation” is removed. Seconded by Katie Gradert. Motion passed by unanimous assent. ACTION ITEM: Katie Gradert will email Allison Hemingfield and copy Kathie Kemp to notify her that the board has decided to hold off on printing remittance envelopes now that online donations are available and ask is she is able to print 2500 FLANO brochures. FrontPorch Fest: Debbie handed out several membership forms and engaged with community members. Party in the Park is an event coming up in June, August and October. ACTION ITEM: Debbie to reach out to Party at the Park for a chance to have a booth for FLANO. If approved send out email/sign-up for volunteers. Liability Insurance: Vicki chatted with Insurance provider for FSP regarding the liability insurance. She was given a liability insurance form to fill out as a subsidiary for insurance liability. She received a reply back from FSP. We are still uncertain of coverage. ACTION ITEM: Vicki Taylor to continue to follow-up on liability insurance. REI Feedback: Great outreach event. Some new members gained. Discussed that focus was on notifying visitors of Lake Norman State Park. Board members discussed several potential outreach events coming up. We discussed that with the small amount of current members it would be wise to gear outreach and recruitment at events to Lake Norman State Park and Troutman area events. At these events people will be familiar with Lake Norman State Park and more likely to become members and volunteer/donate. Upcoming events discussed include: Independence Parade June 30th 5-9 at Troutman Fairgrounds, Party in the Park, and September Chili Cook-Off, in addition manning a table Saturday morning’s outside Lake Norman State Park Visitor Center. ACTION ITEM: Debbie Page will email contact regarding table to promote FLANO at Independence Parade. Email will be sent out to members to sign up for outreach event. ACTION ITEM: Katie Gradert to create Saturday sign-up for FLANO table outside Lake Norman State Park. See if local coffee shop will donate coffee. FLANO Welcome Letter to Charter Members: Board agreed that a welcome letter will need to be sent to charter members directing to website to become members. Katie will send from [email protected] email. ACTION ITEM: Katie to send email. Reimbursement: Procedure needed to track and approve purchases and reimbursement. Treasurer can forward receipts or be copied on receipt to track expenses. If possible batch monthly to FSP. MOTION by Katie Gradert Purchases for FLANO up to $500 in value require approval of two Executive Committee members prior to purchase in order for FLANO to issue reimbursement. Purchases of greater than a $500 value require majority board approval. Email and phone approval are acceptable. Seconded by Kathie Kemp. Motion passed by unanimous assent. Events: Bike-a-thon: Will Washam gave an introduction to Trailblazers and his role. Will Washam states that the goal of the event is to raise funds for the Hawk and Northwood Loops. With their volunteer force it would take too long to go through and make all the repairs. The grant is to bring in professionals to maintain the trails to a state where the Tarheel Trailblazer volunteer task force can maintain it thereafter. They have received a $10,000 grant from REI. The Bike-a-thon is the cherry on top to gain more funds. He stated at the bike-a-thon they would have vendor tents. FLANO can set up a tent in area. They are raffling a bike and superlatives for bikers that come out. James set up a Friends of Lake Norman State Park fundraising and riding team. He discussed the volunteer needs of the Tarheel Trailblazers. Sign up sheet to man FLANO vender booth passed out. ACTION ITEM: Notify members of event. Recruit volunteers for Trailblazers. Sign up to be a FLANO rider. Sign up to man FLANO member table. Katie Gradert to distribute membership collection information. Future Projects: Discussed with Greg the possibility of a volunteer trail day event with park staff. ACTION ITEM: Katie Gradert to contact park staff to set even date. Member dues were collected. Discussed membership dues will be grouped yearly by thirds to make collection of annual dues an easier process. ACTION ITEM: Katie Gradert to send out reminder email to Board Members who have not paid membership dues. New Business: James Pogue talked to Historian regarding speaking about the history of Lake Norman State Park. ACTION ITEM: James to follow up and coordinate with park staff on event date. James Pogue researched lobbying days to advocate for FLANO/FSP. Found local agencies to reach out to. ACTION ITEM: James to draft email and send to agencies announcing chapter creation. Approval given to send. Future Meeting Dates: 7/17/18 6:00pm 8/14/18 6:00pm 9/18/18 6:00pm Meeting adjourned at 8:17pm. Minutes submitted by Treasurer, Katie Gradert. Minutes subject to approval by President Polzin and revision by Board members.
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